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This post was written by Msilikale Msilanga

The Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) greatly appreciates and welcomes the contributions of the global student community. OSGeo Student Awards are given to acknowledge the excellent work of students. This year, we are pleased to announce OSGeo student awards for the best student presentation (250 USD) and best student poster (250 USD). If you are […]

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This post was written by ragnvald

It’s an easy job is to present a program. Reading through the more than 300 abstracts is admittedly a lot of work. But it has been a true pleasure! So it’s easy! Yes – some of the abstracts were in all honesty a bit long. The texts would have also been easier to read if […]

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This post was written by ragnvald

We come to you from 3 continents to share with you our conference program. Internet tools from Google, Linux, Windows, MacOS, Skype – not to mention countless open source libraries makes this happen. In this context place hardly matters. For us, the organisers of this conference, the internet has made us equals whether we are […]

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This post was written by Msilikale Msilanga

Welcome to FOSS4G 2018 in Dar es Salaam. A city which is located at 6°48′ South, 39°17′ East (−6.8000, 39.2833), on a natural harbour on the eastern coast of East Africa. We are glad and happy to welcome everyone on this city for FOSS4G, a city of geospatial opportunities. A city where much of the […]

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This post was written by ragnvald

  The 5th of June is the last day for the early bird registration. We trust (and hope!) that many of you will use the favourable rates offered. For us as conference organisers, the earlier you register, the more time we will we have in putting together the most exciting FOSS4G yet! So, let us […]

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This post was written by ragnvald

Last friday the FOSS4G 2018 conference sent a letter of acceptance to hundreds of authors/presenters. The process of choosing presentations was in the end not a difficult one.   Under way we have had good help from our community, the programme committee, Michael Terner, Paul Ramsey and Antonio Armas Diaz. We have also had help […]

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This post was written by ragnvald

A total of 239 presentations was submitted to us for evaluation. Around 450 authors have been involved in writing the proposals for talks at our conference. This is what makes a conference – all those people with ideas, knowledge and questions they want to share with us. Having read through all abstracts we know choosing […]

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