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This post was written by ragnvald

It’s an easy job is to present a program. Reading through the more than 300 abstracts is admittedly a lot of work. But it has been a true pleasure! So it’s easy! Yes – some of the abstracts were in all honesty a bit long. The texts would have also been easier to read if […]

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This post was written by Msilikale Msilanga

Publishing the program of workshops and the main conference program has been a long road, but worth it. This won’t just be an exciting program, but a program that we as a Dar es Salaam Local Organising Committee (DLOC) think is one of the most diverse and interesting programs yet at a FOSS4G and one […]

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This post was written by ragnvald

A total of 239 presentations was submitted to us for evaluation. Around 450 authors have been involved in writing the proposals for talks at our conference. This is what makes a conference – all those people with ideas, knowledge and questions they want to share with us. Having read through all abstracts we know choosing […]

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